Global Performance Partners


Global Performance Partners has an experienced workforce that understands the vast array of quality methodologies, so whether you are interested in initiating a quality process or accelerating the results from a current one, we can help. 

While we provide a customized process to address your specific needs, some combination of the services below are typical

Assessment – establishes a common understanding of the need for improvement

-           Identifies opportunities that contribute to non-value added costs

-           Financially quantifies those opportunities in order to determine those that produce the greatest return on investment once eliminated

-          Prioritizes high leverage opportunities for corrective action

-          Provides an effective means for tracking improvement progress and financial saving

Education - provides a common language of quality
- Prepares management to plan, guide and direct the improvement efforts
- Enables each associate to make improvements in their own work processes
- Creates a common language of quality and performance improvement so everyone understands it in the same way
- Defines what quality is, provides a system for making it happen, creates a clear performance standard and trains people on how to financially measure progress

Implementation - creates a prevention oriented culture                                
- A culture is comprised of common thoughts, common language and a common way of working better together
- Our 9 step implementation roadmap is a proven methodology for creating a prevention oriented culture and includes:
    - management commitment        - how to organize for quality    - creating awareness
    - education                                 - measurement                       - goal setting
    - corrective action                      - recognition                           - process continuation

Other Services - training and consulting
problem solving skills training      - supervisory skills training       - train-the-trainer
- strategic planning                        - communication skills              - teamwork training
                                                      - consulting

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